Navratri Stall Rental Registration

All Food, Non-Food Stalls, banners request must be sent before October 7, 2019 

Important: Please note that stall will be apportioned based on first come first served based on confirmation of payment and the number of days rented.

All vendor must move out before October 15, 2019, 2:00 AM from BMO Centre.

For food and non-food vendors will receive one table+ two chairs, two free entry vendor passes and two additional tickets at a 50% discounted rate for general guest entry tickets if you are interested.

Food Vendor Registration

You must review and follow the instruction provided in the Alberta Health Services(AHS) Special Event Vendor Package prior to registration. To download this document click here.  If you failed to fulfill the requirement outlined in this document to AHS, GMofC is not responsible for any loss of income, and rental cost.

Each food stall will be allowed 2 food items and 1 beverage (hot/cold drinks excluding water and carbonated beverages-pop), this will be decided based on first come first bases registration and confirmation of payment. 


DateRegistration Price
Any 1 day$100
Any 2 days$175
All 3 days$250

Total cost for food stall = Registration Cost + 20% Gross sale revenue share towards encouraging such community events.

Non-Food Vendor Registration 

GMofC promotes small business through allotting stall space towards encouraging small business to merchandise their products in front of the participants.


DateRegistration Price
Any 1 day$175
Any 2 days$350
All 3 days$450

Banner Advertisement Registration

GMofC encourages small business to use advertisement space at the event venue through banners.

All banners must meet the requirement outlined by the Calgary Fire  Department.

“Decorative material, signs, banners plastic cloth, plastic displays, canvas,  etc. shall be of non-flammable material, shall conform to CAN/ULC1 -S109, “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films”, or shall be treated and maintained in a flame retardant condition by means of a flame retardant solution to ensure that the material will pass the match flame test in NFPA2 705, “Field Flame Test for Textiles and Films.” Plastic cloth and certain other plastic materials, tar-paper, nylon, oilcloth, etc. cannot be rendered flame retardant and are prohibited. Any decorative material may be subject to testing. Materials in violation shall be immediately removed from the building.”

If you failed to fulfill the requirement outlined above, GMofC is not responsible for any loss of income, and rental cost.


DateRegistration Price
October 12, 13 & 14$300

Electric Power Outlets

Note that no power outlet is included in the above price. This year as per our contract with the Calgary Stampede, we have to pay an additional cost for each outlet. If you need a power outlet based on your electrical equipment these are the rate of power. This cost is directly from venue management.

Electric outlet rates

Electrical Services (Cost/ weekend- no option for single day rental )14-day Advance
1500 watt 15 amp-120v$150/day

It is the vendor’s responsibility to identify your requirement and request power outlet.  GMofC is not responsible for the wrongly selected power outlet. There will be an additional cost if a vendor requests electric outlet or more power outlet on the event day.

If you have any question feel free to contact us.

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